Комментарии в коде

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Комментарии в коде

Достался для поддержки старый проект на "С с классами" (

 * Utility for checking sub(supertype graphs
 * TODO: make some proper implementation. THis one is inpenetrable!

/* ??? */
/* !!! */

/* TBD: this option handling is CRAZY! */

   /*TBD: allocation fucks up. See below
    char** memsource

/*TBD: this allocation does not work. SysStack fucks up
    memsource = (char**) CisiAlloc( ((nExpressions*2)+2) * EDM_SIZEOF(char*));

/* impossible - needed later!! 

/* TBD: AET this is a dirty hack to get EDM4.5 on the air. Coercion fucks it all up!  */

/* PL so the table in data.h wont be fucked up :-)*/

/* TBD: dirty, but works */

// TBD: make safe methods of these!!

// TBD: dirty casting...

/* enforce same schematype for all schemas. TBD: this doesnt work... */

/* TBD: this is very confusing...??*/

/* TBD: this is not good enough! */

/*TBD: this is not my way!*/

/*TBD: this was confusing........*/

/* TBD: does not work!!!

// TBD: when do we go here?

// TBD delete from here...
// TBD to here...

/* TBD: what now little man??? */

/* locally opened dict model TBD: huh? why this?*/

/* TBD: not quite sure */

/* TBD: there is sopmething wrong here!!!!!!!! first a qd fix for E2E1 */

/* TBD: no other value legal? */

/* TBD: this is bullshit...

// TBD: when to do it...

/* more dirty patches...*/

// TBD: this test alg is junk. replace with systematic approach.

/* TBD: this check is absolutely not fool-proof!!!*/

/* TBD: this is somewaht dirty.... */


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