Учитесь сообщать об ошибках

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Учитесь сообщать об ошибках

Была когда-то такая операционка BeOS, в ней был браузер по имени NetPositive, он сообщал об ошибках стихами хайку. Вот некоторые из них:

The ten thousand things
How long do any persist?
The file, not there.

Errors have occurred.
We won't tell you where or why.
Lazy programmers.

Server's poor response
Not quick enough for browser.
Timed out, plum blossom.

These three are certain:
Death, taxes, and site not found.
You, victim of one.

The web site you seek
Lies beyond our perception
But others await.

With searching comes loss
And the presence of absence:
The site is not found.

Sites you are seeking
From your path they are fleeing
Their winter has come.

Won't you please observe
A brief moment of silence
For the dead server?

A file that big?
It might be very useful
But now it is gone.

The code was willing
It considered your request,
But the chips were weak.

Login incorrect.
Only perfect spellers may
Enter this system.

Ephemeral site.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

First snow, then silence.
This expensive server dies
So beautifully.

Cables have been cut
Southwest of Northeast somewhere
We are not amused.

Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
The web is like that.

To have no errors
Would be life without meaning
No struggle, no joy

Кстати, в честь этого феномена названа опенсорсная реимплементация BeOS — Haiku (www.haiku-os.org).


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